Creme de Languedoc
This week's article

Living in Languedoc - the real South of France

They say that living in France is like going back 20 years in time - and that's doubly true of Languedoc. Still unspoilt by over-development (like Spain has been to the south) or by the bling! bling! of nouveau-millionaire excess (like the Côte d'Azur to the north) Languedoc still is France's best kept secret.

Dramatic landscapes, intense weather, the tradtional conservatism of the local villages and towns, a history of rebellion, that uniquely French passion for wine and all things culinary, and recent 'boom-town' growth and development, make Languedoc an endlessly exciting place to live.

Why did they come? What keeps them here? And what advice do they have for you?
8 Languedoc residents bare and share all...

With all of that in mind, the 'Living in Languedoc' section of the website has been created to give those of you thinking of moving to Languedoc a sense of what life might be like if you were to take the plunge. And also to give those of you who do live here the resources you need to make living in Languedoc that bit more exciting.

For example, our Restaurant Review Section now boasts 181 restaurant reviews, written by people who live here about the best restaurants in the region. So there's no longer any excuse for putting up with the same old 'salad de chèvre chaud' fare at your local cafe when there are so many great restaurants a stone's throw away.

Our Languedoc Forum is a great way to get answers to any problem you might be facing - be it on the latest laws on swimming pool surrounds, or whether anyone can recommend a good tennis club. It's also a good way to meet new people.

Our Yellow Pages - the Languedoc Directory - lists all sorts of local businesses, to help get your new house renovated, find french lessons, or get legal advice.

Similarly, our Le Village section represents a lively community of local artists, clubs & organisations and local businesses. Browsing through their 'mini-sites' is like walking down the main street of a village, peering through the windows at much of what the local Languedoc expatriate community has to offer.

We've also tried to include a number of articles and links to websites and blogs - to give you other sources of Languedoc-related information. If there's anything you feel we should add to this section of the website, or if you'd like to give us any other sort of feedback, just .

""Articles, Blogs, Polls & Links
Click to open / closeSome interesting articles:
Opinion Polls

"" What do you LOVE and HATE about France?

We love the 'Forever Sunday Way of Life': 2-hour lunches and respectful children. But we don't love the sullen service and poodle poo on pavements...

"" Buying property in France - DREAM or NIGHTMARE?

We slammed estate agents in France for charging too much and delivering too little - but faith in Languedoc's property market still seems buoyant..


It seems the longer we live here, the more we feel we can 'do as the French do' and cheat ehre and there on tax...

"" Where now for France?

Those of us from the 'nation of shopkeepers' think France needs to liberalise.
Read on to find out how...

The Haut Languedoc
A trek across Langeudoc's beautigul highlands.
The Canal du Midi
Its history, architecture and status as a canal-boat paradise
In the Footsteps of the Cathars
(Take a trip down the beautiful Cathar Trail)
The newly refurbished Musee Fabre in Montpellier
Our full report on the museum and its facelift...
Nuts about chestnuts and fois gras in Languedoc
Winter is fatty foods time in Languedoc...
One more reason to visit Foix
A new restaurant 'Gaia' in Foix...
Which France?
You get the very strong impression that in Britain there are at least two snapshots of France and that these two snapshots are diametrically different....
Harvest Time
A step-by-step guide to preparing for a happy 2007
Needs & Dreams
Finding happiness in your adopted country
New Landscapes - New Eyes
Expatriate depression - from Languedoc psychologist Juliette Lowe
Beating the Post-Christmas Blues
Languedoc psychologist Juliete Lowe shares her tips
Languedoc Life

Mad about Uzes
Why property prices are so high in beautiful Uzes, Languedoc

Donkeys & Uzes
In which we discuss donkeys, Stevenson, onions, chinos and fancy homewares (but not all in the same breath).
Marketing - French style
The mysterious power of the 'cadeau gratuit'...
La Rentree
House hunting, wine tasting, surrealists and fancy frocks.
August in the Languedoc
Beziers Feria, Bull Fighting & Boules.
High Noon in the Midi
Cassoulet & the Canal - a meander through the Midi.
Why Learn French?
The trials, tribulations and benefits of learning French.
French Connections
How the British often find it hard to integrate into Languedoc life.
How to vote for a French president
How the French vote - and how it differs to us Brits.
Wine makers storm Paris
Languedoc's wine makers protest lack of government support.
Pool Types & Regulations in Languedoc, France
Pool installation, maintenance, accessories and fittings in Languedoc.
Prepare your pool for winter
What to do - to avoid the nightmares come Spring.
Playing Petanque in Languedoc
A explanation of this most traditional of Languesdoc games
More trains & train lines coming to Languedoc
News of the new TGV line to Barcelona plus other news...
Which wine this Christmas.
Louise Hurren discovers some superb Languedoc wines that are perfect for Christmas and New Year
In to the wine abyss.
The trials and tribulations of etting up a vineyard in Languedoc.
Adopt a vine
It's a long way from the Sainsbury's wine aisle. But still we dream of planting our feet into the soil of our own vineyard and making our very own wine. Don't you?
This summer's best wines
Reporter Louise Hurren reviews 4 of this summer's best Languedoc wines.
A wine review
One of Languedoc's finest wines - from Chateau de Gourgazaud.
Low-alcohol Wine
Low-alcohol wine is being pioneered by Languedoc wine-makers...
Fine wine from the Minervois
A wine-maker from Azille is turning out superb wines.
A Tale of Two Co-ops.
Minervois wine recommendations.
Time to Renew Yourself
Helena Frith Powell and friends set up Languedoc's newest spa treatments offering
Tales from the Canalbank
Setting up a canal cruise company on the Canal du Midi...
Click to open / closeThe best blogs:
Peter is starting a business in France, managing a business in London and writing about it for his wife's amusement.
Budding writer and Languedo resident Sarah Hague seeks chance to witter in public. A sort of diary of book progress with comments on life, motherhood, rants, news and thoughts on living in France.
Superbly witty and insightful blog from a Languedoc resident, journalist and writer.
A blog from 'Helen' - another Languedoc resident with a sense of humour.
Popular Paris-based blog of a young Englishwoman.
Lively blog by a young American woman living in the Minervois region. Lots of great recipes.
At 7 months pregnant I decided to leave our North London home for a new life up a French mountain in the beautiful Cévennes. All the fun, chaos and hilarity along the way.
Days in the life of country folk, or, the life, loves, hates and ramblings of a man, one baguette short of a pique nique.
Click to open / closeCinema, music, art & sport:
CINEMA:  * *  *  *  *   * * *
WHAT'S ON: * * * * * * * *
RUGBY: * * * *

Montpellier's main venue for classical music and opera.

Narbonne's main venue for music, dance and theatre performances
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""French News
""From Le Village galleries:
Click to visit this gallery in Le Village
""Discover new restaurants:
Latest restaurant review:
chateau de cavanac, Cavanac, Aude
Or try this restaurant:
Auberge La Jesse, Rosis, Hérault
Or this restaurant:
L'Os a Table, Coursan, Aude

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